Balance assessment: Stopwatch and eyeballing is so old school! What needs to be measured? What is the difference between centre-of-mass and centre-of-pressure?

What is the difference between a balance assessment using centre of pressure on a force plate and centre of mass from motion capture? Why would anyone continue to use a stopwatch and visual observation in 2024?

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Augmented intelligence is transforming health and fitness

AI is going multimodal, and the world of computer-assisted assessment and decision support is about to accelerate at a breathtaking rate. The health, fitness and wellness industries are dependent on good decision-making, communication and cooperation between professionals and their clients, often in the face of uncertainty. The introduction of large language models (LLM) is going to totally transform health and wellbeing.

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Why health professionals don’t sing from the same hymn sheet - time for a ‘de-fragmentation’?

We believe that a technology backbone used across all actors, can have a positive impact on overcoming the fragmentation and diversity challenges that we face, and provide more effective, efficient, consistent, and integrated services for our clients.

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